
August 18, 2009

Alright, it is late and I'm in need of some serious rest. However, I care for you people so I'll post real quick.

Today Becky worked a split at the library which meant she was off from 1-5. Also at the library today was their 'Summer Carnival'. I took the girls to the carnival and the biggest hits were the balance beam and jump house that they had. The girls had a blast.

After the carnival wrapped up Becky and I took the girls to Chuck E Cheese for lunch and play. The girls had an absolutely wonderful time. We actually spent like 2.5 hours there and spent a total of 120 tokens. Crazy, I know. But it was worth it to see the girls having such a good time. Becky and I switched kids every so often so they both got time with each of us and time away from each other.

I've promised the girls that before school starts September 1st, I'll take them one last time to Bay Beach. I'm hoping to make it a full day by also heading over to the Wild Life Sanctuary, but we'll see how that works out. I have 2 weeks to get that in and I figure that will be a end of summer hurrah.

Tonight Andy put the tag-a-long bike on the back of his bike and gave the girls each a ride. Kalli was okay with it but loves her own bike. Cassie was petrified to go for her ride, but after coaxing went around the block with daddy. When they pulled back up to the curb in front of the house she was grinning ear to ear and saying "Again!"

We tried using her pedal attachments which hold her feet on the pedals so that they don't slip off and therefore allow her to help pedal. Unfortunately the attachments we have are too small. I immediately sent a message to my cousin who is good at working with wood and I will be meeting with him briefly tomorrow so he can look at the ones we have and let me know how much it will be for him to create larger ones that will work with our tag-a-long. The girls have already asked to go for bike rides tomorrow and the day after. Can you guess what our nights will consist of for the next several months? Or at least until the snow flies?

Tomorrow we are off to Cassie's old school and then to the new school the girls will be attending this year. I'm hoping to get some anxieties comforted and the girls feeling more at home with the new school. I remember how hard changing schools was, but I feel that doing it now will be benificial to both the girls. Kalli will start Kindergarten there and go from there. Cassie will be going into third grade and therefore have 3 years with these kids before moving onto middle school with them.

After meeting people at the new school and looking around to get the layout down, I will be putting a call into the schools nurse to get things set up for having Cassie changed at school. Nothing like putting on the pressure right before school starts. I didn't have a choice though since tomorrow will be the first day that principals and secretaries are back in the schools.

And we're off running!