
April 10, 2009

Friday nights have become very ritual around my home. One child sleeps over at grandma and grandpa's (the girls alternate weekends) and the other child and I bond in the evening when Andy heads to the XBox 360 for his weekly 'shoot 'em up with the boys' time.

Tonight I have Kalli home and she helped me strip and make my bed, get all the laundry ready, and wrote/read me a story while I took a bath.

I have to say that one of the things I didn't expect when becoming a parent was that I wouldn't be able to take a bath, shower, or enter a bathroom alone for years. Want to brush your hair? How about do your make-up? Thinking about closing that door for some privacy? Think again. There are always these little people that appear. And I don't mean elves, gnomes, or Oompa Loompas. Though that would be awkward too. The little people that do appear, though, want to help and have conversations. For the most part it is second nature now to have constant company, but from time to time I miss the old days of being able to close the door and be alone.

It's now 10:00 and Kalli has crawled into my bed and is waiting for me to come cuddle. As much as I would like privacy sometimes and as much as from times to times the girls drive me up a wall, I wouldn't give up being a mommy for anything. The kisses, the hugs, the cuddling, and knowing that they need me WAY outweighs everything else. I can honestly say that I love my job. My girls are my world and they keep things going for me when I have a bad day.

I'm off to cuddle now. I're jealous that you don't have a Kalli waiting for you.