
'Lil Susie Homemaker

I'm waiting for my award. Seriously...where is it? I've been making homemade meals every weekday for about a month now, I've been keeping things semi-clean, and now I've started purging/organizing closets and the girls' room. Just call me Susie Homemaker.

In fact, I've been working on Kalli lately. I have her pouring her own kool-aid and milk (when containers aren't full) in the kitchen. She puts her cup on her stool and gets what she wants to drink. Then pours it and puts the beverage back. Yesterday she made us bologna sandwiches for lunch with a little help and then helped me make Puppy Chow for a sweet snack. It helps that she is home with me while everyone else is gone. She is such a good helper. And a good eater of what her labor makes.