
March 5, 2008

Yesterday my mom and dad came to stay with the girls while I went to work. While Cassie is doing quite well since her surgery, I didn't want to put her into "kid's corner" yet. While I was gone, my mom got to experience some of the fun of Kalli.

Cassie and Kalli each have 2 stools that my cousin, Matt, made for them. They love the stools and I love them too as I do use them to get to those pesky top shelves. I swear that this apartment was made for a 7 foot person.

Anyway... Cassie and Kalli enjoy lining up their stools and using them like steps to climb up to the couch or to step up and just stand on to watch TV. I'm so used to this that half the time I don't notice it going on. Sometimes they just sit/stand on the stools, sometimes they follow each other around in a circle climbing up and then getting down to go around and back up. I do think this is something that could entertain them for hours.

While my mom and dad were here, they were doing the up, down and around trick and also Kalli was just standing on the stools. When my mom asked Kalli to get down she did. Very sadly. When my mom asked why she was sad Kalli's reply was, "Now I'm little"

This explains why she likes to stand on my couch, barstools, and bed as well. Unfortunately for her...those things are something that I won't stand for.


My legs have been hurting for 3 months now. The only thing that helps is Tylenol Arthritis. The past couple days my hips and low back have been hurting. In July I turn 30. I entire body is going to fall apart before I make it to July. I'm not even 30 and I'm falling completely apart.

Tonight I was playing with Cassie and I went to move quickly/run away from her. In doing so, my leg decided that it hated me and I fell. Pretty much face first to the ground. Cassie came right away and asked if I was okay. All I could think of was, I've fallen and I can't get up!

This getting old stuff sucks. And I'm not even that old yet.

You've heard of the IPhone from Apple?? Here is Kalli's take on that.

She decided that this apple container, given to her from my mom, as a phone. The saddest part?? She is sleeping with it tonight.