
January 26, 2008

Today I went out back on my parent's deck and took a few pictures of all the snow. With the fence and houses around them there really aren't any drifts in the backyard so I was able to get a feel for how much snow we've gotten recently. Let me just say that it is a lot!

Unfortunately with it being so cold, the girls haven't gotten a chance to enjoy it. Cassie's class hasn't gone out for recess all week. I'm sure the teachers are missing recess too.

I am so tired of winter. I can't wait for Spring and Summer. The longer days, the playing outside, the warmth. I'm sick of patches of Eczema (Even Andy and I have them this winter) and between being in the pool and the cold, dry air, I feel like I could crumble and blow away with the wind. I don't think I've ever used so much lotion in my life.

So, I'm sending my request in to Mother Nature.

Dear Mother Nature,

Please bring Spring now. I'm done with Winter. Thank you very much.

Yours Truly,
Paula can thank me when Spring gets here. I sure hope that Mother Nature works quickly.