
Finds 2

While going through my grandma's things at my aunts house, we found some Christmas cards. Empty Christmas cards.

I'm not planning on sending out Christmas cards....but if you get one of these in the mail, act surprised :)

We also came across ALOT of pictures. Several of which were of me while growing up. I'm thinking that I will share these in Daily Photos in the next couple days. Maybe.


Yesterday Tony and Kelli took the girls with them to get a REAL Christmas Tree. Not only did they find a tree and decide that when tired and cold my children get really cranky/whiny, they got us a tree too. So....last night we set it up and today, we undecorated our tree to decorate the new tree. Sound kinds nuts? I thought so too. But at the same time, Cassie is thrilled because she helped to cut down this tree.

(Thank you Kelli for the pictures!)