
Cabin Fever is setting in

We're suffering from cabin fever over here. Or at least the girls are. Having the week of nicer weather followed by this week's icky weather, only has made it worse.

The past 3-4 days I've watched the girls in the evening wondering who broke their volume control. And why did they brake it when it was set to loud? Also, why all of a sudden don't they want to sit still for more then .5 seconds. I understand that they are sick of being cooped up and such, but wow. I must have asked Cassie like 3 times tonight to take a deep breath and calm down. It worked for a couple minutes before she was bouncing off the walls again.

I can't blame them though. I'm looking forward to warm weather and dry grass too.


Yesterday we watched American Idol - Gives Back. At one point Miley Cyrus (aka: Hannah Montana) was on singing. Cassie sat with her eyes glued to the tv watching. Kalli on the other hand was dancing back and forth in the living room singing "Miley Cyrus, Miley Cyrus" over and over. It was so cute that I wished I had a hidden video camera.

Tonight about half hour after putting the girls to bed Kalli called me into their room. She needed me to move all her stuffed animals. When I questioned why she wanted them moved, she said that she wanted to be closer to Cassie. Kalli had me move all her animals to her other side so that she could be right next to big sister. Cassie....she slept through the entire thing. Hope she doesn't mind having her personal space invaded :)